How to manage organization users


Adding users to an organization

  1. To add users to an organization, go to Settings > Organizations. You can find Settings on the top bar, or at the bottom of the menu if you're on mobile.

  2. Click on the organization you want to add users to.
  3. Click on the "+ Invite User" button. A modal will open.
  4. Fill in email and role fields in the modal and click on Save.

The user will receive an invite to join the organization. The invite expires after two weeks, but you can delete it and send it again.


To add users to an organizations, you must be an admin and have enough seats.

You can see how many seats you have in the details tab of the organization page. You can check your current role in the members tab.

Unanswered invites count against the limit. For example, if your organizations has 3 seats with 1 member, you can send two invites.

Removing users from an organization

If you need to remove users from an organization, contact us.